
Dear God,

I feel close to You, even as I am somewhat agitated this morning. The upset will leave me when I allow time for Your presence in my life to be felt. I ask for Your presence to quell the unrest and give me peace.

I know that Your presence helps in any situation. You are making us stronger by the challenges we face. And greater strength will allow us to grow.

Thank You for soothing me with Your presence this day.


Challenge in Life

Dear God,

It is so difficult to get along well with everyone we encounter.  Maybe we are not meant to.  But I do know that we are not meant to worry about it if we find other people challenging.  Worry promises to heal the pain, but it just makes for more problems.

Help me to be good to the people I encounter.  Everyone has secret issues.  Let me not add to their problems.

Thank You.


Safe in God’s Love

Dear God,

Keep me in a good attitude, safe in Your love, sure that You are looking out for me and will protect me.  This certainty will take me through any challenging periods in my life.  Thank You for giving me this reassurance.

I would be free of irrational fears.  I would walk in the certainty of Your abiding care, in peace.

Thank You.
