Positive Flow in This Day

Dear God,

I would be positive today, nothing negative in speaking to You.  Long ago I was a reader of Norman Vincent Peale, and positive thinking is his hallmark.

Despite my low “early morning” moods, I am basically a happy person for the rest of the day.  As my grandmother said to me, “Nobody stays the same all the time.”  I would build on the positivity, sure of my blessings, confident that You are always in my corner.  This is the way to live well.

Thank You for the flow that I have known in this day.



Dear God,

I show vulnerability in my public prayers, and perhaps this gives comfort to people who can identify with what I am saying.  But I shrink when I do not find a receptive audience.  Perhaps vulnerability is a turnoff for some.

May my prayers help others, because helping others is what it is all about.

Thank You for giving me the courage to share weaknesses as well as the advantages that I enjoy.



Dear God,

I needed to do some forgiveness work, all in the last few days.  And I remembered what I had read, “First forgive; then you will come to understand.”

So I prayed for forgiveness for another who had wounded me.  And last night I really came to understand not only the present for my friend, but the genesis of a crisis in his life many years before I met him.

This was the proof that understanding follows, never precedes forgiveness.

And, as always when I pray a heartfelt prayer, I felt myself being healed by Your grace.

Thank you.


Invoking Jesus

Dear God,

I normally pray to You, but I have heard that the divinity of Jesus allows him to listen in on our prayers.  So I talked to Jesus.  And somehow I got an Answer to something that had been troubling me.  After a while I went back to sleep and slept almost an hour, awakening finally in the best mood imaginable–a rarity for me.

Perhaps this happening is a proof to me that the divinity of Jesus as our companion is not just empty words, but the truest truth.

Thank You, dear God, for this wonderful beginning of this day today.


Compassion, Sweetness, & Forgiveness

Dear God,

Shape me into a more compassionate person.  I keep reading that “sweetness” is a trait we ought to develop on the spiritual path, and compassion seems to me to be a close synonym.

Forgiveness is easy, once we realize that everybody does the best they can, given their understanding at the time.  And forgiveness is easy with a compassionate heart.  So we have two incentives to forgive the negatives in this world.

Thank You for giving me the grace to try to live Your way.


Sensing God

Dear God,

Draw me into Your arms.  I am eager to experience more and more of You.  Your companionship draws me into the unity that is the truth of us.  No longer do I develop a prayer to an external Deity, for You are part of me, though I am not the whole of You.

When I sense the warmth of You in me, I am lifted to a new “depth” of worship.  Thank You for guiding my path back to full absorption in You.


One Life at a Time

Dear God,

I can live only one life at a time, and even though I have nighttime dreams that seem to hint at missions in a future life, I rest easy, knowing that NOW is all I need to consider.  You will always be with me, and as long as I stay in union with You, I am protected and in the process of being fully healed.

Keep me in patience living the life that is mine now.  Keep me open to remaining always surrendered to You.  That is the only way I know to live.  And when I have remembered to re-surrender from time to time, life has always smoothed out.  It is only when I am feeling unconscious that I have difficulties.  Otherwise, in You all is well.

Thank You.


Pacing & Patience

Dear God,

Help me to be patient.  I think this is a long – term failing, possible in other lifetimes as well.  And if my intuition is right, my impatience has had dire repercussions, I think certainly in this lifetime and maybe in earlier lifetimes as well.  

Help me to pace, because when I pace through a day, I stay on an even keel and do not have to make exaggerated efforts to remain patient with life and what happens in it.

Your guidance is crucial in this life, at least for me.  When I remain on the beam with You, I am happy, and life is good.  Thank You.



Dear God,

Awakening to You is a gradual process, a “journey without distance” that we are all taking.  Only recently have I read that most of these journeys are gradual; I had been expecting lightning bolts.

Thank You for my reading.  There are some things that we need to hear from revelation, not depend on hearsay.

Thank You for the hopeful peace that I feel more and more.
