
Dear God,

I know that our needs are always met, even when our “wants” are not.  May I be aware just now that I have everything I need, and I also have many of my wants.  These truths are a blessing.

It is good to thank You.  I often think of You as a new husband, ready and eager to please—and appreciating gratefulness when it is offered.


Lift to the Heavens

Dear God,

It is always best to turn to You, always and especially when I feel a little low. I depend on You for helping me through a rainy day, for You are a guiding light when I experience low moods.  Talking to You lifts me up to the heavens.  Always.

The day is cloudy.  No sun is peeking through.  But I will enjoy the rain that is to come. 

Thank You for constantly remaining my sunlight, even on a dark and dreary day.



Dear God,

I am listening to Baroque music on our Internet radio.  A lovely time this morning. 

Help me to be more grateful for the wonderful things that crowd into my life.  Gratitude makes for a better life, gratitude to You for life itself.

Thank You for giving me a good day.  Help me not to rue it at any point.



Dear God,

Just when I need You, You are there.  When I realize that everything in my life is really alright, I know that You have had a hand in it.  When I re-surrender to You, the day becomes brighter—even if it is raining outside.  Your blessings to me are the sunshine.

Thank You for offering me Your best.  My gratitude overflows—just for the gift of life itself.


Depending on God

Dear God,

I am impatient to have very good energy, something with which I was blessed most recently.  But maybe I overdid it for a couple of days.  Moderation in everything is best, perhaps.

Guide my energy level to the optimal for my physical and emotional being.  Help me to eat right, exercise right, and stay in touch with You when anything goes amiss.  I know that I can ask anything of You, and You will give me an Answer.

Thank You.


Worrisome Thoughts Begone

Dear God,

This day has been a blessing.  I realized that it is quite possible to reduce worrisome thoughts that serve no purpose.  Why dwell on what bothers me?  If I need to do something about it, You will alert me without my having to keep a worry on my mind and in my heart.

Thank You for walking with me through another day.



Dear God,

It is a bright, sunny, balmy day with the bluest of blue skies. I am on our sun porch, just basking in the warmth.  A blue jay flutters about, finding worms for her little ones.  You give such blessings to us in nature, if we are willing to look.  I am willing to look today.

Thank You for another day spent on Your earth.  Let me not take any day for granted.  Let me not discount any day.  Any day that begins in error can be turned around, if I try.  And it just takes a little willingness, as A Course in Miracles says.



Dear God,

When I think of all the difficulties people go through, I think it is time to say a little prayer for others. We write such hard contracts for ourselves, and then we misstep, and we get into trouble. We need to find our way out of trouble by turning to You.

I am blessed in my life, and I do realize it. Thank You for guiding me so precisely, day in and day out.
