
Dear God,

I have a cold.  Please give me the grace to get through and beyond this minor ailment. 

A Course of Love strongly indicates that if one has a deep enough love, the sickness will be no more.  Nobody, though, in this world, I think, possesses this kind of deep love.  Eckhart Tolle, in The Power of Now, suggests that if one fully inhabits the body, then this can abort a cold.  I tried it; I had a one-day delay for symptoms to blossom.

So:  Now I seek to love ever more deeply—nothing negative in my life—and I seek to fully inhabit my body, all in an effort to go through and beyond to an abundantly healthy state once again.

I am moving in a fog, dear God, but I know that You know how to help me.  Let me feel Your presence, and everything not of Your presence will fall away.


One thought on “Sickness

  1. Peter Fritz Walter

    Eckhart Tolle is not an expert on the Science of Mind. When you affirm in your prayer that you have a cold you already make the prayer invalid. In Divine mind, you never have a sickness for God in you cannot be sick. When you pray, affirm only the good, not the condition and its symptoms, or it will not work. Please check out the teaching of Dr. Joseph Murphy that I have brought to the world through this blog:

    I also recommend you to check out the prayers on my new site, for there will be also many healing prayers:


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